Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Tip 10 (Week 10 Fall 2011): Scheduling Assistant

If you have ever tried to schedule a meeting for more than a few people you know that it can be a bit of pain. Even if you have permission to view all of the attendees calendars, looking at all of their schedules to find a workable time for the meeting can take up a lot of time. That’s why this Tech Tip is all about the Scheduling Assistant.

In the video below, I walk you through arranging a meeting using the Scheduling Assistant. It also shows you how to use the tool for finding a meeting room in the library.

Bonus tip: Of course, this only works with those who are in the Ohio University system. If you need to schedule a meeting with multiple people outside of OU (such as for a statewide or OhioLINK committee), you might want to give Doodle a try. It lets you ask people to specify available times from a pre-set list and lets you choose the time that works for the greatest number of people.

Note: The video will probably look best (and be most legible) viewed in full screen mode.

To complete this tip watch the video and mark yourself off the checklist. 

Post Author: Jessica Hagman